Monday, July 19, 2010

Bear Lake with the Ballifs

We just got back from an annual trip to the Ballif's Bear Lake Cabin. Shanes Grandpa and Grandma plan a fun get a way for the whole family every summer. It's something we look forward to all year long. This year was no disappointment. We had a great time relaxing, talking and playing the games that the Ballifs planned for us. We were sad when it ended but can't wait until next year.
Jen apple stacking.

Water balloon launching.
Uncle Bryce coaching Haden on how to win all the adults.
Shane was the winner of the paper sack challenge. I'm such a proud wife.
Grandpa Ballif was great at keeping his balloons in the air.
Shane can stacking. This one he didn't do so well at.
Feather blowing contest.

Bouncing golf balls from the cement into the bucket. I didn't really win this one, I just wanted it to look like I did.
The highlight of the trip for Avery was Cheese Balls!

Halle & Bailee loving the Jump-o-lene.
And of course, lots of fun at the beach!


JeniandAustinHoffmann said...

Talk about posting ugly pictures to blogs..... that picture that i'm in.. I look ridiculous haha your post is cute though. Bear Lake was super fun.

Yuko said...

I want the cheese balls!

Lindsay Heitz said...

You better get Shane's accomplishment put in the ward newsletter :)

Looks like so much fun!! Shane's grandparents seem so amazing.

Whoever "Yuko" is, tell him he can get the cheeseballs at winco :) My boys love em too.

shelby said...

Looks like you had fun. Cheeseballs are great!!

FRYER FAM said...

what a fun week. i love how much fun the cousins have together & how excited they get to see each other again & again. i only wish we were closer so it could be more often. we love those Garner kiddos.
Avery better love me more next time though. maybe you should leave a picture of me in her crib..