Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween fun

Halloween is getting busier and busier for us. I think we had an event for like 9 nights straight. It was exhausting for me (its hard getting 4 kids all done up in their costumes night after night) but the kids loved it and we ended up having lots of fun. Haden was a bit disappointed with his costume this year, he wanted to be something scary and we put off getting his costume and so he ended up borrowing his uncle Blakes old clown costume. He made me promise that I would make his face look scary and I tried, but didn't succeed. So he ended up making himself a mask to wear out of a paper plate in hopes to scare people. I just decided to let him go with it, I thought it will be funny to tease him about it when he gets older. Halle also wanted to be scary which made me so sad because she looked so cute in her costume, but she insisted that I put blood on her face. I still think she looks more cute than scary but she was satisfied. Bailee was loving her bumble bee costume and made sure to tell people that she was not going to sting them. Avery stayed home with Dad handing out candy while I took the others around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. Shane said that everytime the doorbell would ring that she would jump up, grab the bowl of candy and run to the door saying her version of trick or treat which sounds more like "tick-a-tee." Haden is the only one that still has candy left to eat, I guess all my girls take after me and can't resist those sweet treats.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Avery & Jack

These are pictures that my nephew Sam took for a contest at school. They turned out pretty cute. Avery loves her cousin Jack. If ever she is being fussy, I can just mention him and she will look for him saying, "Ack, Ack." It changes her mood just like that.